20 Wednesday Evenings
6:30pm-9:00pm + 2 Saturday workshops 10.00am-4.00pm
1 February 2023 - 25 July 2023
Cost: £1,790 (incl of current vat)
Future dates to be confirmed
Term One: Planning
Working on a larger project, a residential loft space, the student will consolidate the core skills learnt in the Design Process Module One and will be introduced to new skills enabling a more exploratory and detailed approach. Subjects covered are: freehand and technical 3D drawing skills - sections, axonometric and perspective, sourcing materials and writing a specification, detail design, lighting design, rendering techniques to explore colour and materials in the interior, basic presentation skills.
Term Two: Presentation
Continuing to use the loft project as a medium for developing and strengthening the skills learnt so far, emphasis is placed on presentation skills as a method of depicting and communicating design ideas. Subjects covered are: detailed design of specific elements, examining materials and construction methods, development of perspective drawing skills, lighting design, depiction and communication methods to compile the project work into a cohesive presentation.
This is the second step towards gaining The Professional Certificate in Interior Design and requires completion of Module One before applying.